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Enforcer rule property-usage-rule has the following configuration parameters:


  • <definitionsOnlyOnce>, boolean

If this value is set, rule checks that no property is defined more than once.

Default value is true.

  • <definedPropertiesAreUsed>, boolean

If this value is set, rule checks that all defined properties must also be used in the files in <usage> element.

Default value is true.

  • <usedPropertiesAreDefined>, boolean

If this value is set, rule checks that all the properties used in the files in <usage> element are also defined in properties files.

Default value is false.

  • <reportDuplicateDefinitions>, boolean

If this value is set, rule writes out all the properties which are defined more than once.

Default value is false.


  • <sourceEncoding>, string

Use this option to specify a different character set encoding from the project encoding if your source files do not use the same.

Default value is ${}.

  • <propertiesEncoding>, string

Use this option to specify a different character set encoding from the project encoding if your properties files do not use the same.

Default value is ${}.

Property Definition and Usage files

  • <definitions>, list of strings

Element <definitions> contains a list of <file> elements. These are the properties files to read for the defined properties. <file> is a file path or directory path, wildcards are supported.

Base directory is the current project /home/mikkoi/Projects/maven-enforcer-property-usage. You can also use absolute paths if you need to define file paths outside the project structure.

Default value is <file>src/main/resources/**/*.properties</file>. Syntax “*/.properties” means: all files ending with “.properties” in all directories and subdirectories regardless of depth.

  • <usages>, list of strings

Element <usages> contains a list of <file> elements. <file> is a file path or directory path, wildcards are supported. These are the files to search for usages of the defined properties, or for patterns for the undefined properties to extract their names.

Base directory is the current project /home/mikkoi/Projects/maven-enforcer-property-usage. You can also use absolute paths if you need to define file paths outside the project structure.

Default value is <file>src/main/java/**/*.java</file>.

Configuration of Templates

The templates are the most difficult configuration options. They control how the rule reads the source code and finds or extracts property usages.

  • <propertyNameRegexp>, string

This option specifies what a property name looks like. It is a regular expression.

Default value is ([a-z0-9\-\.]{1,}?). It means that a property name can contain any alphanumerical character (all lowercase characters and all digits), the dash ‘-’ and a period ‘.’. It is at least 1 character long. If you have specified the character encoding as UTF-8 (Unicode) in your project or the rule’s configuration, then alphabetic characters will also include all unicode alphabetics, not just ASCII (7-bit) alphabetic characters. Notice that the regular expression is enclosed into a parenthesis ‘()’. This means that it is a group and it can be extracted from the code around it. The question mark ‘?’ before the closing parentheses means to match “greedily”. Please consult documentation for Java class Pattern for more information on regular expressions.

All the properties defined in properties files should match this definition. However, it is mandatory only when option <usedPropertiesAreDefined> is turned on.

  • replaceInTemplateWithPropertyName, string

This option specifies the placeholder inside template strings (element <templates>) which will be replaced by <propertyNameRegexp> when extracting the property names from the source, or by the property name when searching for usages in the source.

Default value is REPLACE_THIS.

  • <templates>, list of strings

Element <templates> contains a list of <template> elements. Template is a regular expression which we look for in the source files. It is used to make a match with the property name. If, for example, you want to make sure properties are always accessed via an interface, e.g. the java.util.Properties class, you can specify a template (regular expression) for that. The regular expression must contain the placeholder, <replaceInTemplateWithPropertyName>, by default REPLACE_THIS, which is used to identify the place of the property name. It must not be inside an extracted group. Please consult documentation for Java class Pattern for more information on regular expressions.

The following example shows the (Spring Framework annotation) [] with default value set:


The default template is the property name exactly as it is, with only quotation marks around it:


This is very simple, and will work only with option <definedPropertiesAreUsed>. With option <usedPropertiesAreDefined> this would not be enough because it would make Enforcer think that every quoted string in the program is a property, which would very unlikely be true.